
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 55: Ljubljana, Slovenia - OK, Now You Can See What It Looks Like

Main square of Ljubljana.

Armed with a freshly charged camera, I was ready to do some serious sightseeing. I started by stopping in the National Gallery of Slovenia. Apparently Slovenia went through a major impressionist phase, as about 80% of the Slovenian paintings (as opposed to the other European paintings) I saw were late 19th and early 20th century impressionist works. The museum was pretty small, but it did the trick. 

For lunch I had a rather local treat, a horseburger. Once again, Eastern Europe may have lots its grit, but it retained its portion size. The horseburger came on a bun the size of my face and, when I asked for onions, I literally saw him chop up an entire onion and throw it in the bun. Wow, and tasty. Didn't taste all that different from beef, but then again I ate it with an entire onion. 

More of Ljubljana.

Ljubljana is probably what every single hippie community wants to be. It's small, clean, green, and everybody bikes. Deciding I wanted to be like the locals, I rented a bike for a Euro and cruised around the city. With considerable green space, I also rode along a lot of park trails. Very pretty. After buying a bus ticket for tomorrow, and a train ticket for the next day, I dropped off my bike and sat down at the same cafe I did yesterday, this time being much more wary of cute little birds.

Ljubljana's river.

Urban took me to a bar with some live jazz that night, which I had been trying to do for some time but always failed at. If I knew more about music I could tell you the intricacies of Slovenian jazz, but I don't. It just sounded like jazz, and I liked it.

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