
Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 34: Istanbul, Turkey - Cruise Time

1, 2, 3, oohhh!!!

Apparently the cruise I had found yesterday was indeed the correct one. I entered with confidence today only to find that every single seat on the deck had been taken by more punctual tourists. Punctual I may not be, but I am resourceful. I went into the cabin and found a bay door that was slightly ajar. I opened it all the way, and plopped a chair right on front of it. My own deck! Suck it, tourists scrambling for spots outside.

Dock/bridge view.

The cruise was very pleasant, with great views on both sides of the Bosphorous. At the end of the cuirse we landed in a small seaside tourist village with a trail that led up to a castle. We had a fried fish lunch before burning off the calories on a quick but steep hike up to the castle.

Sup Black Sea.

So far, on this trip, I've encountered the Red Sea, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Sea of Marmar, and Black Sea. My last sea will be the Adriatic Sea, off the coast of Croatia.

The cruise returned at around 5:30 PM. I was exhausted and napped. I woke up in time to grab some dinner and sit my final night in Istanbul in front of the Blue Mosque, because it seemed appropriate. I wish every night could end in front of the Blue Mosque.

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